Wednesday, June 3, 2009

~Finding a New Me~

Wow I cant believe it just wen i turn 18 i realize i need to be a better person. I need to be a better brother son cousin nephew grandson just all the above. I cant believe the way i been acting. Don't get me wrong but some of the time i been acting good but some of time i been acting bad. I feel if i give advice to others I should take my own advice and use it. I need to realize that I can be there for others but be there for myself also. I no I'm realizing it now but I need to make a change and start continuing to do right like i was already doing. I'm sadden by the people who I thought were my friends. But brighten up by the people I met and gave me a better look on how i need to act and treat people in my life. Thank you to my sister and Nikki She stay giving me the better out look on life as it is as a view point of someone in my age group. I also my other brother and sister for be able to cater me wen I'm down and out. Sometimes life can get stressful but you need to hang in there and get up and cont. to live ya life right. I know I'm not the perfect young man i make mistakes many mistakes but they help me understand that I need to stop rushing and take my time in life. Everything isn't going to happen at my time but on God's time for me. So I promise this to the very special people in my life to strive to live my life right and be an example to them and to others that don't know me that well.
Maybe my good qualities will rub off them. Some have already did. I'm proud of all my accomplishments in life. And i plan on keeping all them accomplishments. Now as I close All dis i just wrote to you all this was on my mind my heart and my soul and to let it out is a great feeling. To walk around knowing this feelings are out there are pretty awesome. Let people know how you feel now. Don't keep it in. To all my family and friends who read this.. I will always be there for you know matter what the cause is well let me refraze this to all my "REAL FAMILY AND FRIENDS" I will be there for you no matter what the situation is. You got me and I got you.. if you need me I need you what I have is also what you have. don't hesitate to ask me anything. I will do the best of my ability to give you the most honest answer anybody else would give. Ya know who ya are. My real family and friends fa life thank you God for putting these people in my life to guide me into the person I am today.

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