Friday, February 13, 2009

All about me

im 17 im a junior at Scarlet Oaks. I plan on attending MoreHouse in atlanta georgia. I love me some girllllllllllllllllllllllssssssssss lol i plan on finding a girl to settle with. I think i found one her name Alma and she just takes my mind away from everything. I really like this girl and i hope things work out. I also plan on double majoring in college so i can make a difference when i grow up. I wont 7 kids when i get older 2 adopted 5 of my own. I am a christian and plan on focusin on God so he can guide me to what ever his purpose for me in life is. I am absense until i get married because I believe its the right then to do. Im a real cool person to hang with i love giving advice to my fam and friends when needed. I wanna make a change in ppls lifes. But in order to give back to the people i must make it first then give back. Thats what Michelle Obama said so i will apply dis to my life. I love the ppl in my life who made me who i am today...God, Mama daddy,brittany, grannys papas tyler, nikki, chanell, andre, markitta,danny,lamont,paige,dorian,kaylah,andrea,maisha and many more.. friends and fam.

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