Thursday, February 26, 2009

Committment (Last Night 2/25/09)

Last Night was fun.. My brother met my friend (girl im getting to know) last night. We had a ball it was to fun. I really think this girl like me. I like her to but I don't know what to do. I wanna be in a relationship but then again i don't. I need to figure out what imma do. I don wanna break this girls heart. Imma just take some time to my self and think about what imma do. My brother kinda help me but i jus gotta take some time to figure things out and why my lil lil brother jus farted on me i'lll but any ways what should I do. Can ya leave some comments about wha ya think. And Tyler you is a flirt, flirtin wit ma girl i mean friend lol... but last night was fun fa real now i need to meet ma sister in law shanell i wonder if her and Tyler will stay together for ever.. who no's only they no.. I guess its ma turn to start committing. Stop being afraid of relationships. Start bein a man and finding ma woman.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Ayiesha or Alma?

These girls are sexy cute sweet personality.. But im stuck between the to. One I can see everyday and be around and get to kno the other I can only see on weekends and talk on the phone with. I don no wha to do. Im confused. Wha should I do Ayiesha or Alma. Both with A's and Both are sexy and cute. I dont wanna play them. They both to kinda for that. I got alot of thinking to do. Ya comment and tell me what should I do. One choice could be the greatest or worst mistake of my life. Ayiesha is something i can take time to explore take out and really get to know. Alma is the girl that meets ma expectations 4 a girlfriend. Mannnnn! i just dont know what to do.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Future

I see in the future me and my fam. kids lots of kids we all married and just havin a blast. Enjoying that family love. Some of us wont 7 kids some of us wont 3-4. I know 7 is alot but I wont a big family. Family we all have each others back no matta what. I know we all going to different places in our lifes, but we always going to stay close. I love my family and Im glad we all in each others lifes. Thank you fam. I love ya. God and ya keep me going. I have big dreams to accomplish and I intend to do that with the help of ma fam i will succeed.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Family Business

My fam. My God bros, My sister, My God Sister These ppl play a big part in my life. I love talking to each and everyone of them. Even though Im the oldest, they teach me alot. They also give me advice when ever i need it and im thankful for that. God has put these young talented relatives in my life for a reason. Even though we live far apart from each other we always close in spirit. I love you guys and I wish you the best in life.

All about me

im 17 im a junior at Scarlet Oaks. I plan on attending MoreHouse in atlanta georgia. I love me some girllllllllllllllllllllllssssssssss lol i plan on finding a girl to settle with. I think i found one her name Alma and she just takes my mind away from everything. I really like this girl and i hope things work out. I also plan on double majoring in college so i can make a difference when i grow up. I wont 7 kids when i get older 2 adopted 5 of my own. I am a christian and plan on focusin on God so he can guide me to what ever his purpose for me in life is. I am absense until i get married because I believe its the right then to do. Im a real cool person to hang with i love giving advice to my fam and friends when needed. I wanna make a change in ppls lifes. But in order to give back to the people i must make it first then give back. Thats what Michelle Obama said so i will apply dis to my life. I love the ppl in my life who made me who i am today...God, Mama daddy,brittany, grannys papas tyler, nikki, chanell, andre, markitta,danny,lamont,paige,dorian,kaylah,andrea,maisha and many more.. friends and fam.